1. The article suggests that iPod video lectures are effect for "kinesthetic learners", who tend to be hands-on, active and require frequent breaks." Do you think that you would learn well using an iPod? Why or why not?
Yes I do believe that I will learn well using an iPod video because the main reason for coming to ward was avoiding having to listen to teachers. I believe that I learn better being more independent and asking questions when I need it. I feel that when I go to school seminars I tend to be less concentrated or distracted easily if I go with friends. If we where to have iPod seminars then I could listen to it in the comfort of my home with less distractions. I do agree with that statement because I am more of a hands-on person. If I had the chance to use iPods to learn then I would do and understand better.
2. An advocate for "v-casting" through the iPod says that "Its more interactive and more self directed" Do you think that Mary Ward, with its commitment to self-directed learning, should embrace such technology for education? What are some advantages or disadvantages?
Although I like the idea of iPod classrooms, I think that the disadvantages would outweigh the advantages because a loss of communication would occur. Just imaging the whole school walking around watching their iPods? Well although I do see a lot of that I think it would be harder to control. Mary Ward is a school which is independent but still keeps the doors open to speak and have contact with your teachers. I think that the advantages would be more likely to occur with the older students since they have fewer courses and don’t get distracted easy. If we had the whole school like that then gr.9s coming in won’t understand and it would be hard to maintain. I think that Mary Ward could offer this to students who would want it and it would then do those students a great deal. For now Mary Ward doesn’t need 1000 students walking around with iPod videos.
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